Friday 6 January 2017

A new year. A new start

Happy New Year!! I hope you all have had a great start to the New Year. 

Over the years I have made many New Year's resolutions, and they have all involved a halfhearted attempt at achieving some unobtainable goal. 

As we all know, the most common New Year's resolution is to lose weight. I must admit that I participate in this one year after year. I tell myself that from 1st January I will be the healthiest person to have ever walked the earth, and within a matter of months I will look like Kate Moss (or some equally skinny minny). So I cut out all the lovely things like chocolate, sweets and crisps, and replace them with salads and the like. It feels good the first day. But of course my thoughts soon start to drift to the delicious treats just sat in the cupboard, which are calling my name and convincing me that 'just one won't hurt.' 

After two days I step on the scales (even though I told myself I wouldn't), and squint my eyes in anticipation. However, my determination is immediately worn off when I see that I haven't lost any weight, much to my annoyance. So predictably, it's not long before I'm indulging in the odd chocolate bar, and telling myself I'll start again tomorrow. Then before I know it, my diet is well and truly out the window. 

Then there's the moment when I step back on the scales to see what the damage is, and realise I have actually lost weight. How can that be?! But a few days later (after starting the diet again) I face the scales, look at the screen, and think to myself 'there's the weight I should have put on last week'. It's a vicious circle made by my own weakness for all things calorific. 

If any of you are thinking about starting a healthier lifestyle, and like me, lack the funds to join such weight loss groups as Slimming World, then why not start your own group? You could ask your friends and family, post a request on Facebook or put up a poster at the gym. As soon as you have a good of number of people (probably about 4 to 6 maximum), then all you need are some decent scales and lots of motivation to share with the group.

Buy these Weight Watchers scales at B&M for just £14.99

Here are just a few ideas of how you could run your own weight loss group:

  • Keep the group small so you can meet at home
  • Alternate the meeting place each session
  • Weigh yourself once a week at home, or together at the group
  • Choose a group leader to organise sessions, bring in guest speakers etc
  • Keep a weight loss journal 
  • Swap recipes
Benefits of a weight loss support group:

  • Receive regular support and encouragement
  • Share the experience with others
  • Help to stay focused
  • Celebrate weight loss achievements
  • Share challenges and brainstorm
Losing weight and keeping it off isn't easy, and I have been there many times. But if you have a healthy diet, regular exercise and a good support system, then you're onto a winner. 

It's also important to remember that for a healthy lifestyle you should eat a balanced diet, and this means eating a variety of different foods in the right proportions. So a treat every now and then is good for you. Life is for living, right?

Check out the NHS website for lots of different tips on how to maintain a healthy diet at

Or you can click on the link below to read the NHS 10 tips to make your New Year's resolution a success

This week's task

This task is ideal to do in the New Year. It is something a friend did last year, and I'm sure she won't mind me sharing it with you guys.

  • Get yourself a piece of paper 
  • Start to make a list of things you would like to achieve in 2017. These things can be big or small. Whatever you want, there's no limits. My list includes running another half marathon.
  • When you have done, seal it in an envelope. 
  • Put the envelope somewhere safe.
  • Then write a reminder in your diary or on your calendar for the 1st January 2018, telling yourself to open the envelope. Don't forget to tell yourself where you hid it!
I would recommend doing this task with a friend, family member or partner, as that way you can encourage each other and share ideas. Then you can open your envelopes together.

My progress

I started 2017 off with a brand new hairstyle. What do you think?

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I hadn't actually been to the hairdressers in quite a few years. Having long hair I just trimmed my own ends every now and then. But I found that I was just putting it in pony tail all the time, and as anyone with long hair will know, drying and straightening it is a long winded job. Plus, every morning I would have a fight with the hairbrush just trying to get out all the knots. Not very nice. 

So it's like heaven being able to brush my hair without any trouble. I can dry and straighten it in a matter of minutes. Fabulous!

My hair was cut at Linx at 8 Churchside, Mansfield, NG18 1AP and cost just £20. I would definitely recommend them. 

I plan to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust which 'provides real hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have sadly lost their own hair due to cancer treatment and other illnesses'.

Next week I have my volunteer interview at Mansfield Library, and  I am really looking forward to getting involved. So this weekend I am going to spend some time researching and preparing myself. Fingers crossed I'll soon be part of the team.

Next week's post - An interview with Cynthia Jean Robinson aka My mum! I will be trying out my interview skills and testing my new voice recorder. It will definitely be worth a read, so watch out for my next post.

Remember: A new year is a chance to start a brand new story. The possibilities are endless, and I really do hope that you all get what you are looking for this year.

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