Wednesday 28 December 2016


"And it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God Bless Us, Every One!"

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol - 1843

So Sunday has come and gone already. I hope you all had a fantastic day! I ate a lot and drank too much, but you have to indulge yourself a little at Christmas, don't you. It's tradition. It was especially nice to spend the day with all the parents.

I would like to thank everyone for all the lovely presents. I am so grateful that we have such great friends and families. I appreciate all that you do for us, it really does mean the world. The cats are also grateful for the massive tin of dreamies. 

I would also like to share my condolences to all those who have lost someone over the holidays. It is hard at any time of the year, but it's particularly hard knowing our loved ones won't be sharing the holiday with us. It isn't easy, but the love of a good family will get you through. 

Review of a Christmas present - Play That Tune by Paladone.

Play That Tune is a musical guessing game. It includes four kazoos, 50 tune cards and 40 counters. You team up into groups of at least two people; one of you plays a kazoo and the others try to guess the name of the tune. The first team to collect 10 counters wins.

First off we all needed a lesson on how to play the kazoo. 'Hum don't blow!' Thanks Mum! But instructions are included and getting  the hang of it is easy.

This product is available at a great price and is suitable for people of all ages, although it does recommend players should be aged 6 and over due to small parts. The tunes are a good selection of old and new, so you will probably know at least one tune on each card. Although I was surprised that I couldn't remember the theme tune of some of my favourite TV shows. 

On the downside, after you've played through the cards once, you're out of tunes. However you could customise the game by choosing your own songs to play, or having someone write down the name of different tunes and putting them in a hat. 

  • Great price
  • Suitable for all ages (6+), musical or not
  • No skill required
  • Simple instructions

  • Out of tunes after the first go

You can buy this game at 'I Want One Of Those' for just £5.99 (plus delivery) by just clicking on the following link: 

Orders are usually dispatched within 24 hours.

I always look forward to a family game at Christmas and this is by far one of my favourites. I would definitely recommend this product if you're looking for something to break the ice and bring everyone together.

4.5 out of 5

Christmas around the world.

In Egypt, Coptic Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on 7th January. From 25th November to 6th January they eat a vegan diet which is called 'The Holy Nativity Fast'. 

In Switzerland, there are 'real' advent calendars in some villages. Different houses decorate an  'Advent Window' and when it's your house, you hold a party for the villagers.

In the days of the Soviet Union, Christmas was not celebrated very much. In fact Christmas was banned as a religious holiday until 1929. Christmas in Russia has become a small, private and quiet holiday.

My favourite Christmas song.

"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" is my all time favourite Christmas song. For me, it brings back memories of listening to a sweet old man named Walter (once a member of a little Nottingham singing group called Stanza) singing this song with such emotion you'd have thought he was there just for you. It would always bring a tear to my eye.

If you love singer/songwriter Sam Smith, then you'll love his cover version of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas". If you're anything like me you'll need a box of tissues at the ready.

What to do on New Year's Eve in Mansfield.

  • New Year's Eve Stomper Night at The New Inn 

Free entry and free party poppers, as well as a free glass of bubbly when Big Ben strikes midnight.
Open till 1.00am

  • Family New Year's Eve at Mansfield Manor Hotel

Children's and adult disco, fun activities, hotdog and burger buffet, drinks and more!
£15 per person. Call 01623 452525 to reserve your place
From 6.30pm till 12.30am

  • New Year's Eve Party in Sandy Pate Sports Bar (Mansfield Town FC)

Live music with local musician, Nick Turner, playing hits from the 60's to present day and a hot and cold buffet.
£10 per person. Tickets available from Mansfield Town Ticket Office or Sandy Pate Sports Bar.

My progress

I have now set up my desk in the spare room, and I call it my thinking space. It is an idea, when writing, to have a place to go to that will help you focus, and I'm sat here as I write this blog. 

Thinking space

My cat Storm, helping me get inspired.

Next post - A new year, a new start.
Remember: A new year is on the way and the possibilities are endless!

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